50/50 Draw
Join the ExcitmentSupporting KidSport BC
The Jerome Classic is organized annually with a focus on elite athleticism and an aim to inspire and support youth athletics. You may donate to KidSport BC through the 50/50 draw to assist in reducing the financial barrier for kids to participate in organized sports. Enter today to support, and you may also be the lucky winner of the 50/50 draw!


Unfortunately, cost can be a barrier for many families when they consider registering their child in organized sport. That’s where KidSport comes in. Through a confidential application process, KidSport—with support from generous donors— provides funding for kids from families that need financial assistance to help cover the cost of sport registration fees #SoALLKidsCanPlay! Learn more at kidsportcanada.ca/british-
KidSport BC is parntering with The Jerome Classic for a 50/50 draw for the 2024 Jerome Classic meet to give more kids across the province the chance to experience the joy of organized sport.
When you purchase a 50/50 ticket, either online or at The Jerome Classic, you’ll be entered into a draw to win half of the total jackpot. The other half of all ticket sales will help fund grants for kids from families facing financial barriers to help cover the cost of sport registration fees.
Note: Charities are not sponsors of the Jerome Classic and their participation in the event should not be construed as an endorsement by the event. We understand and expect that in a diverse society there will also be diversity of views, opinions, and causes. It is in this spirit that we allow and welcome a broad range of participants.
Run & Give / COURIR & DONNER
Join in. RUNVAN®
RUNVAN® also organizes other events
- First Half presented by BlueShore Financial
- BMO Vancouver Marathon
- Granville Island Turkey Trot 10KM
- Great Trek presented by BlueShore Financial
RUNVAN® organise également d’autres événements
First Half présenté par BlueShore Financial
Marathon BMO de Vancouver
10 km du Trot de la dinde de l’île Granville
Grande randonnée présentée par BlueShore Financial
The youth division at the Jerome Classic provides youth boys and girls an opportunity to compete on a large stage ahead of world-class competition. Details coming soon.
La division jeunesse de la Jerome Classic offre aux jeunes garçons et filles l’occasion de concourir sur une grande scène devant des concurrents de classe mondiale. Détails à venir. Des économies de groupe sont également disponibles.
If you have a large team of 10+ members looking to run, cheer or volunteer, please our contact our non-profit so you may enjoy potential team benefits. Email: info@runvan.org
Si vous avez une grande équipe de plus de 10 membres souhaitant courir, encourager ou faire du bénévolat, veuillez contacter notre association à but non lucratif afin que vous puissiez bénéficier des avantages potentiels de l’équipe. Courriel : info@runvan.org